Saturday, April 25, 2009

Poetry Challenge

I've gotten rather badly behind. I meant to catch back up today but this one poem has been kicking my butt. A Villanelle is a killer form to write. Anywho, here it is.

The prompt for April 23 was regret. It seemed to me that the subject deserved an obsessive form.


I wish I'd dared to let you see my heart,
it's always been so hard for me to share,
it would have been a worthy place to start.

You hold yourself as separate and apart;
it seems you've lost the heart and will to care.
I wish I'd dared to let you see my heart,

I lacked the courage needed to impart
my soul, to let you see the scars in there;
it would have been a worthy place to start.

I wish I might by some sweet gentle art
restore our love, effect a sure repair;
I wish I'd dared to let you see my heart,

Given the chance, I'd play a different part
and turn this farce away from dark despair.
It would have been a worthy place to start.

I ask that from my love you not depart,
I cannot with an ideal mom compare,
I wish I'd dared to let you see my heart;
it would have been a worthy place to start.

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