Saturday, May 10, 2008

Another Weekend

Here I am, back at Momma's. It has all the makings of a long weekend.

I'm reminded of back when the children were young and Mrs. Brown was still our neighbor. We would go to visit her and take her small gifts from the kitchen or garden. I'd sit and listen to her stories. What comes back to me now are the stories she told of her husband's advancing dementia.

She said, "He'd sit out there in the lawn and point across the road carrying on about how they were rolling up that field and just carrying it off."
She said, "He doesn't drive any more. The last time he drove he swerved to avoid a truck that wasn't even there. I thought if he is seeing things that aren't there, is he seeing things that are?"

Momma is having mini strokes and they are more pronounced than they were. We think three this week. This morning she sits on the sofa snoozing. Between sleeps she says odd things.

"I think I've got it all messed up."
"If we avoid the lake we can go wherever we need to."
"There's a lot of people out there, are we going to church?"
"Someone's going across the lake." (which would make sense if there was actually someone out there in a boat)
"Now, is it time for me to start getting ready to go home?"
"Maybe I'm going to have to walk home, I don't know."
"Now that tall tree down there has a tree growing out of the side of it."
"I don't believe I want to walk on that lake."
"Who passed by me? Someone just passed by me."
"I don't know how we're going to when the time comes. They haven't done anything to get it ready." I look at her blankly confused. "When we walk, they haven't done anything. I guess we'll figure it out when the time comes."

God grant me the ability to laugh where others might cry, the tears to cry when I should, and the wisdom to know which I should do when.


j said...

Hello Sweet Wamblings. I came over to wish you a Happy Mother's Day. The reality of what that might mean to you makes me feel like my wishes might sound hollow. BUT, I know that you are a wonderful Mother and you are honoring your own mother with your desire to react and respond to a situation beyond your control.

So Again, Happy Mother's Day to you in whatever shape or form that may take. You are a lovely person and I wish you only the best.


j said...

"Who passed by me? Someone just passed by me."

Honey, that would scare the giblets out of me!



Wamblings said...

Awwww, thanks Jen.
Whatever was wrong with Momma on Saturday had moved out by the time she came over Sunday. We had a nice mother's day. I wrote the "normal blog" version over at Word Wamblings and will now attempt the humor version over here. :P

j said...

Love the thought of secrets whispered among friends. Very Bonding!

I am serenading you with a bit a Nazareth.....

Love hurts, love scars, love rules and mars....any heart not tough or strong take a lot of pain.....

Chin up Wamblings.

Jen, who sings to herself as much as you!!

TRD said...


I tell you what...that type of situation has to be difficult. Parts probably at times seem funny...but then when you realize how out of it that person is...and really has no can be really sad.

Keep up the seems you have been doing a great job so far!


Wamblings said...

Jen, thanks for the song.
Rob, I have to look for the humor because otherwise it would hurt too much. There is the fear too. The fear that in 40 years I will be where she is now.